Write For Us

Cryptocurrency “Write for Us”

Crypto Write For us

Well if you somehow brought yourself up here, then there is a definite chance that you are interested in working for us. Since the application of pandemics due to a much-known virus, blog writing is exponentially growing day by day and securing the majority percentage in the blogging community. Including us and the other well-known websites are notice a major growth in the count of their average daily visitors, which almost like a surprise.

Along with blogging, people are in search of more income streams to enhance their earning experience across more than one field and definitely make money as well. And I don’t even need you to explain the main reason behind this exponential crypto blog’s traction or more importantly Crypto’s all across the globe.

You are present here, so there will be nothing but stupidity to ask you that whether you know about blog writing or even more stupidity if you are asked that whether you possess knowledge regarding crypto. But, In order to be a part of us you still have to complete a sort of eligibility criteria. In simpler words of you know blog writing and if you know crypto write for us.

As I have mentioned that there are some points that should be followed, there is a chance that you may consider some of those points as very basic, but they are still points that should be followed to be with us.


Keep in your mind that your grammatical skill should be of a whole another level. Having a very basic or basic knowledge of grammar might not work. Your communications through your vocabulary should have to be excellent and attractive as well at the same time. Such that the visitor can make himself stay with the blog until and unless he gets interested in the industry.

Purity of Content:

The content that you will produce irrespective of the topic it should be original. That simply means that there should be no copy-pasting from the other blogs on the internet. The content that you will produce should be generic should have no plagiarism. Even rephrasing is also prohibited, so if you are into that stuff, be careful while working with us.

One & Only One Language:

As English is the international language, and the most understandable. So your content should have to be in pure English. It is found that a lot of writers involve some words of the language they speak in the content they have produced. So this matter should also take care of while writing.


The blog that you will produce with us should have its concentration on the vogue of Crypto and blockchain only or its further expanding branches. You should follow the branches that ultimately towards the tree of crypto in the end. You will not get bored from the same niche, in fact, you will enjoy it.

Keep in your mind that you possess a lot of professions while working with us whether you are a blog writer only. You will be a crypto teacher, a crypto expert obviously, a crypto news reporter, and a lot at the same time.

If you know about cryptocurrency write for us. You will be covering a lot of topics under your working radius. You might know that there are a lot of currencies to actually select to invest in it. And every currency is a whole sub-subject. You may be found explaining about different currencies as much as possible there merits demerits. You can give your own personal preference with the help of your experience whether it is positive or negative. You can also write about the different tools out there helping people in this industry, and which tools fall into your personal recommendations and why the others are not. You can also talk about the scams that are happening out there. You can also write about the different kinds of technologies that are being used by the professionals, it can be of the present time or it might be expected to arrive in the near future or it can be a technology that is getting outdated day by day and there are better alternatives present in the markets.

Refreshed Information:

We know that you are a crypto expert but you should remember that your information should be up to date. So try to research the topic provided as precisely as you can so that you are 110% confident about the freshness of your content.

No advertising:

There should be no promotions happening, whether it is a currency or a tool or whether it is a technology.


You have to keep in your mind that whenever you use a unique piece of information from any other website or source that was not in your knowledge before, or they have the credit to discover that piece of information before it was known publically, or in any other similar cases when you have to depict any kind information from any other website other than basic you should give that website or source credits and provide the link as well of the article possessing that information.

Universal Disclaimer:

Whatever topic you are expressing via your content keep in your mind that we do not want our readers to ultimately get to the decision of purchasing or investing their money in it, just by reading the article, so it is better to mention “invest in your own risk”.

If you possess knowledge about cryptocurrency writes for us. The expression of your knowledge on our platform will simply increase the visibility of your produced content. You will not be confused you will be always provided with the necessary keywords to work with that will be trending at the moment. Writing for us simply enhances your exposure. Sometimes the topic is not that much interesting but the teacher or explainer has to adopt a way to make it somehow interesting for the reader to himself involved in the matter.

The mail mentioned just below the present paragraph is for your assistance if you have doubts left, you will answer as soon as possible.


If you are facing any issue then you can contact on this email info@cryptobite.co