Top 8 Blockchain Programming Languages You Need to Know in 2022

Blockchain Programming Languages

Blockchain technology has been gaining steam in the tech world over the past few years, but many people are still in the dark. 

If you’re unfamiliar with blockchain programming languages and what they can do, it’s time to get up to speed to better prepare yourself for blockchain’s inevitable rise to dominance over the next few years.

Here are the top 8 blockchain programming languages you should pay attention to in 2022 and beyond. 

1) Solidity

Ethereum and EOS are currently kings of blockchain development; Solidity is a smart contract programming language that allows you to build distributed applications on top of Ethereum. 

We’ve found Solidity to be popular with blockchain development companies, like Gainfy in India. 

There is no question about what we have read repeatedly; whether you are looking to hire blockchain developers in India or any other place in Asia, most companies say that Solidity is what they need.

2) C++

C++, or C with Classes, is a high-level programming language created by Bjarne Stroustrup to develop Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android applications. 

The language has broad support from third-party libraries and toolkits. C++ also offers scalability through native support of multiple threads.

Unlike many blockchain programming languages, C++ has a low barrier to entry because of its similarity to other programming languages.

3) Go

A language developed by Google. Go is a general-purpose programming language. It was designed with modern software development principles in mind, and it has simple, readable syntax. 

It’s also fast and scalable, making it suitable for everything from microservices to excellent web services. In fact, Go is used extensively at Google itself. 

4) Python

Python is a widely-used programming language, and many of its applications are related to blockchain development. The blockchain, as you know, serves as a transaction platform that can store, manage and execute digital transactions. 

Python is one language that uses functional programming concepts, making it more accessible to developers than other platforms.

While several blockchain development companies are proficient in developing solutions based on Python, we think it is fair to say that given its versatility, Python will probably be around at least until 2027.

5) Java

Java is an object-oriented, general-purpose language popular since it was created in 1991. It is used to build Android apps and other types of software, and its enterprise popularity makes it a natural choice for developers. 

The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) enables software to run on any operating system with no changes required. 

Because blockchain programming languages are similar to database languages, Java may be one of your best options when starting with blockchain programming languages.

6) JavaScript (JS)

JS is one of those legacy languages around for just about forever, but it’s still going strong and remains a top choice among blockchain developers. 

It also supports non-blockchain development, so if you’re not planning to focus exclusively on blockchain projects in your new role, it may be a good idea to build expertise in JS. 

As a bonus, some programming skills come in handy, even if you specialize in blockchain development.

7) PHP

PHP is an open-source programming language designed specifically for web development and currently powers upwards of 80% of all websites on the Internet. 

According to GitHub, PHP was one of the most popular languages on their platform in 2021, with over 6 million developers writing code in it.

In addition to being one of web development’s most well-known languages, it’s also one of its oldest; PHP was first released in 1995.

8) Ruby on Rails (RoR)

Over time, ROR has become a top-rated blockchain programming language among startups and businesses alike. 

The language itself is easy to use and easy to understand. RoR’s most well-known apps include Basecamp, Airbnb, Hulu, GitHub, Kickstarter, Shopify, and Twitch. Tv. 

It’s one of the best blockchain programming languages you can learn today if you want to become a successful developer in 2022 or beyond.

Read Also: 7+ Biggest Cryptocurrency Trends to Watch Out For in 2022


So this is our list of top blockchain programming languages in 2022. We hope you enjoyed it and found some helpful information.

Also, If you’re looking for a platform to build your next blockchain application or just want to start learning about them, you can get in touch with the top blockchain development company in India. They’ll be happy to help you.


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